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Everything You Need To Know About Multi-Factor Authentication

2 min read | Nov 18, 2021

Consumers are increasingly concerned with online privacy. Learn more about multi-factor authentication protects your information.

How the iOS 14 Privacy Features Could Impact Your Business

3 min read | May 26, 2021

Apple’s new data privacy features may add a layer of protection for your business. Learn more about Apple’s update here.

How to Throw Away a Computer

3 min read | Feb 15, 2021

Are you cleaning your house and wondering how to dispose of old electronics or computers? Read our guide on disposing of old computers.

Server Virtualization 101

3 min read | Nov 19, 2020

While server utilization isn’t a new technology, the various types can get confusing. Read about how server utilization helps your business.

How Susceptible Am I To A Data Breach?

3 min read | Aug 26, 2020

Keeping our information safe online is critical in today’s day and age. Read about data breaches, what they are, and how they affect you.

Working From Home: Services Your Company Needs

2 min read | Jun 5, 2020

You’ve probably heard the phrase “unprecedented times” over the last few weeks more than you ever have over your lifetime, and though the phrase can get old, it’s true. Companies around the world are facing situations that have never happened to them before: remote meetings, data security concerns and new technology challenges. For many businesses,…

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Benton Technology Solutions COVID-19 Update

2 min read | Apr 2, 2020

We’re Open For Business At Benton Tech, we know your world has been struck with uncertainty and fear. Ours has too, but we want to let you know that through anything, our team is here for you. We are open for business and are still knocking out projects and supporting our clients daily. We consider…

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5 Ways To Protect Your Company’s Digital Security In 2020

3 min read | Mar 12, 2020

Secure Your Business We hear it all the time: a successful business falls prey to a cyberattack that puts sensitive information at risk. We want to leave these scary stories in 2019, so with 2020 in full swing, we thought this was the perfect time to share 5 tips that you can implement today to…

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Email Phishing Tests: Stop Attacks Before They Happen

2 min read | Jun 19, 2019

Chris, one of your best employees, is efficient at everything. Writing meeting notes, finishing tasks, and unfortunately, clicking links in emails. He was sitting at his desk one afternoon and received an email that your company had tagged him in an image on Facebook. He thought it was slightly odd, after 4 years working there,…

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Microsoft to End Support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 in 2020

2 min read | Apr 24, 2019

Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 Coming To An End On January 14th, 2020, Microsoft will end the extended support of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 for all devices. Though security patches and regular maintenance has continued since 2015, the end of extended support means all further security updates will cease after January…

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