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How Office 2016 is Lighting a Spark for Small Businesses

1 min read | Oct 23, 2015

Microsoft Office 2016 is the latest Office update and is now available for Windows 7 and up. There are a variety of new features and capabilities, but the groundwork of this software launch is secure, practical collaboration – and it’s breathing new life into the small business world.

How Office 2016 Benefits Small Businesses

Microsoft wanted to create an intuitive way for businesses to communicate, share and collaborate – all while having access to even more accurate, organized data that’s more secure than ever. Here are three ways that Office 2016 does just that:

1. Co-Authoring and Sharing

Collaboration is a cornerstone of Office 2016. Thanks to OneDrive’s new co-authoring and sharing capabilities in Word, PowerPoint, and OneNote, employees can edit the same document from different devices in real-time. Once finished, they can easily share with colleagues and manipulate access permission without ever leaving the document.

2. Big Data Collection

Office 2016 comes with Power BI – a holistic data collection application designed to help small businesses collect, organize, analyze and capitalize on their mountains of data more efficiently than ever. By collecting and centralizing your data from a variety of sources into one interactive hub, your business can now locate the information that matters most, and develop insights based on that data.

3. Centralized Data Storage

The new Office boasts 1 TB of storage, so you can store and share more in one place. Data loss protection features also provide admins more control over data privacy and security. Essentially, you’ll be able to protect more data more effectively with Office 2016.

Learn more about Office 2016

Want to know more Office 2016? Contact the professionals at Benton Technology Solutions today!