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The Importance of Cyber-Security in 2015

2 min read | Jun 22, 2015

America’s Cyber-Security: Why it matters and what you need to know today

It’s been a particularly alarming week for the state of America’s cyber-security. The White House Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recently disclosed its networks have been hacked by unknown entities, potentially exposing over 4 million personnel records of current and former government employees.

Since the disclosure, substantial worry has mounted over the extent of the breach and whether or not America’s cyber-security is durable and elite enough to withstand what are undoubtedly countless daily attempts to infiltrate our most sensitive information.

That worry has resulted in revamped initiatives from the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to perhaps rethink and re-prioritize our Nation’s computer security–and rightfully so. However, years of the obvious “out-of-sight-out-of-mind” attitude towards our digital livelihood are now coming full circle, forcing us to learn the hard way.

What everyone should know about cyber-security

  1. Hacks aren’t always catastrophic. It’s no real secret–malware and spyware can dismember your network and severely impede upon your business. But the aftermath of a system hack depends largely on what the network houses. Your vulnerabilities can range from exposing proprietary business files to, as we’ve seen in the case of the OPM, an extremely invasive data theft of highly-sensitive government personnel information.
  2. Data hacks are all too common. Computer viruses cause 7-10% of all network malfunctions around the globe each year, meaning network protection in no longer optional–but vital for your company’s security.

Why is cyber-security important?

Even though we do not yet know the full reach of the intrusion, Americans should be taking scrupulous notes from the OPM on what not to do. As we’ve seen over the past week or so, taking your network’s security for granted can leave your business–your Nation–susceptible to viruses and malware that can creep into your systems undetected and wreak havoc.

On the contrary, if you have a comprehensive, up-to-date antivirus and antispyware program in place, you can avoid anything from the annoying network hiccup to a system-wide data hack.

It’s never too late to better your network

A large part of network security is response-time and completeness. Benton Tech provides a range of antivirus and antispyware services to secure your network, including:

  • Definition monitoring of all the the latest malicious viruses and spywares
  • Continual updates to your network every 4-8 hours
  • Safe program removal of any harmful spyware programs penetrating your system to protect your important data files.

Make the smart choice and protect your network today!

Today, network security is vital. Don’t make the same mistake as the OPM. Instead, contact Benton Technology Solutions today to learn more about our antivirus and antispyware protection services.